Friday, December 17, 2010

J-Rock reads the classic: Mater the Greater

Ok, this doesn't have much to do w animation but I'm such a proud Papa I had to share.

I was tucking in my four year old son tonite when he turned to me and said 'I'm going to read you Mater the Greater, alright?' Thank you iPhone for catching these lil' life moments that pass by so quickly.
Enjoy Grandma and Grandpa :0)


  1. yea..... that's aaa.... that's pretty cute. My next request is "another one bytes the dust" by Sir Jackson Rock :)

  2. This is mostly done to expose the occasionally mistaken legends that have encompassed the band throughout the years: "There appears to have been a mythology put onto them since they separated, and the fan group has perused such a great amount into the music and the collection covers.
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