Wednesday, July 8, 2009

ICE AGE : Dawn of The Dinosaurs

Last March when I left BlueSky for the west coast, IA3 was just beginning. I was a bit bummed to only do two shots on the entire film. When I went this past weekend - I was shocked to see I got my name in the credit. 

The original ICEAGE was my 1st film - when watching it, I always remember the good times. A bunch of kids trying to pull off a feature film. None of us ever working on one before. Its really nice to have my name on all 3 of the films of the trilogy. 

Now if there is ever a 4th - I may have to go back and see if they can let me animate one shot.

the credit list

shot 1 - this shot is longer,  cut down for the trailer - in the film, Scrat faints then comes back up hugging onto the tree

shot 2 - this is what I see in the computer while animating the shot. Added snow by modeling long triangles w a animation cycle so I could be reminded of the force he was struggling against.

shot 2 - the final animation. My last Scrat shot - I miss you little guy.


  1. Aaron,

    You make really cartoony animation look so easy!

    Amazing work and very inspiring.


  2. I love when you post your animation clips! Hope all is well

  3. How cool is that? Awesome body of work here. Look forward to seeing more of your sticky notes, too.
